16 July 2005

Celebrating God's faithfulness

"I'm Dr. Donnabel P.Trias, a dentist by profession. I came to know JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR last APRIL 20, 2003. Since then God is completing the work He has started in me. It is my JOY to serve Him and be used by Him in whatever opportunity He would give me, and my 30th birthday was no exception. At first, I planned to have an evangelistic birthday party as my way of bringing back to GOD all the GLORY for the wonderful 30 years of my life. But my mom didn't want the idea due to some financial issues. The party would cost me too much, and so I prayed for a better plan. And God has impressed to me to celebrate my birthday in two different yet lovely ways! He allowed me to celebrate it with street kids! And not only that!!! He even provided for it!!! I didn't spend a single centavo since my twin nieces abroad sponsored the event!

My Makati Influencers family also invited me to celebrate my birthday with them. The plan was for it to be sort of an evangelistic event. I will invite friends that do not know the Lord yet.

I really appreciated the kiddie party at KC. It brought out the child in me. It's so cute to see adults dancing chocolate with those caps and name tags. I also loved the game they have prepared for us (the celebrants)..wherein they revealed so much about us … our interest, our profession and some "pettish" stuff just like my "love for toe socks.” It was really fun! Especially for my "pre- believer" friends! They realized that we, CHRISTIANS are not boring! We also know how to enjoy our lives and not be too serious all the time. It gives me a "better view" about Christianity. I really really had a BLESSED BIRTHDAY with all of the Makati Influencers friends, brothers and sisters! To every one ,THANK YOU SO MUCH and May our DEAR LORD RICHLY BLESSED US ALL!!!..TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!! ------ > IN CHRIST, Donna


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