15 July 2005

Who we are

Developing influencers toward moral and professional excellence has always been the aim of Influencers International. The Makati Influencers move towards that direction. While the name might suggest that it is an organization exclusively for influential people, in the popular sense of the word, it is hardly so. Rather, it is a group of professionals who already have their own spheres of influence, no matter what position they are in. These professionals, then, see it as an opportunity to cause positive change in our society, starting where they are – the Business Community.

Why is there a need to do so? The reason is, Jesus said so. Jesus commanded that we should "make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19,20). If discipling others means that we are to affect them into following Christ, then that is the essence of influencing for Him. Not unlike what Paul said 'follow me, as I follow Christ." Add the fact that we are also to be examples to our world, our society - to be morally and professionally excellent. Only God and His word make that possible. It is therefore our aim to first lead people to establishing a personal relationship with Christ and then help them out in their walk with God.

Makati Influencers provides an avenue for these with its main emphasis on discipleship, in the context of small groups. It is there that learning about God and His ways are done in a more personal way. Small groups have a great potential in helping Christians in their growth in love for and obedience to God, in love for fellow believers and in love for the lost.

We also have a once-a-month gathering called Prolink where we not only link (or have fellowship) with other professionals, we also discuss ways to grow in the area of excellence (morally and professionally).

Prayer is an essential part of not only the individual lives, but of an organization aiming to please God. We get together monthly to pray for each other, for the organization, as well as other concerns.

In the pursuit of helping to create movements everywhere so that everyone may know someone who truly follows Christ, we continue to think of ways to effectively reach the Business Community (and eventually the world).

We encourage you to link with us and help make Christ known to our fellow professionals, especially to those who are in our own spheres of influence. - - - - - Miler Peňa


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